The RRL is a new sport that is highly accessible, benefits your physical and mental health, and connects you with others in an uplifting way.
It’s a “virtual” rucking league where distances and loads are sent out monthly. Racers compete remotely and submit their scores to an online ruck race league leaderboard.
The 2025 regular season kicks off april 1 and finishes august 31. Each month for these 5 months you will be tasked with a new rucking challenge. The top finishers will advance to the finals in fall 2025.
ANyONE who Currently rucks and is curious about how they stack up against others.
anyone who Wants to compete and have fun doing it without it being some massive commitment that takes over their life, and prevents them from doing other things they love
someone New to rucking and would like some community support/accountability.
anyone who Wants to challenge themselves but doesn't want to create the challenge themself
anyone who Wants to challenge themself but doesn't know where to look or hasn't found something that sticks.
anyone who Likes the idea of a new monthly challenge (novelty) to keep them engaged/not bored and consistent.
anyone Interested in getting involved in a new sport.
There is no "5k race for ruckers."
There are other “rucking events” that aren't just rucks. We just want to ruck and challenge ourselves against the ruck distance + load itself.
RRL keeps people engaged with a new ruck challenge each month. This helps them with consistently including rucking in their lifestyle, a goal to accomplish each month, and excitement/anticipation of "what's this month's challenge going to be?"
sign up for the 2025 season once public
a backpack / rucksack that can carry the prescribed weight for the month’s challenge.
a willingness to “strive in common” with others across the internet and around the world
We have tested and proved this concept through our work at Between the Ears where we put on an annual event called “The Vector Project” for participants all over the world and our extensive rucking experience in Special Forces.
We have used the lessons learned to create The Ruck Race League.