We created RRL to give an outlet for others who want to challenge themselves and embrace the spirit of competition, but haven't found something they can really get into with the current offerings of endurance sports or fitness competitions. 

We believed there was no place for people who like to ruck and to compete against themselves and with others in pure rucking events. RRL is a way for people to take their rucking to the next level, to challenge their norm and participate in a fun community that celebrates the efforts of it's members.

When Bill left Special Forces, He immediately felt the enormous absence of being part of something that required him to challenge myself, compete, and work towards a goal - but not just for accolades and wins. We could care less about the idea of “beating” others, but the athlete in us is endlessly curious about how we stack up and also how others do with the same challenges. We have experienced the benefits of rucking, both physical and mental and prefer it to more standard fitness competitions.

WE love the spirit of competition more than the cultural application of it.

The etymology of “compete” is exactly what WE like about the spirit of competition, but found the options for it in existing sports…lacking.

compete (v.)

1610s, " to enter or be put in rivalry with," from French compéter "be in rivalry with" (14c.), 

or directly from Late Latin competere "strive in common, strive after something in company with or together," 

in classical Latin "to meet or come together; agree or coincide; to be qualified," from com "with, together" (see com-) + petere "to strive, seek, fall upon, rush at, attack" (from PIE root *pet- "to rush, to fly").

According to OED, rare 17c., revived from late 18c. in sense "to strive (alongside another) for the attainment of something"

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